Wow! What a weekend on the hustings. After I left work on Friday I hit the campaign trail in
Malafornia South Central. My manifesto seemed to go down really well with the local
Malafornian's with many engaging in heated debate with me. I fielded a number of questions
ranging from "Who are you?" to "What do you want?". Luckily I had my official photographer with me and I got a couple of snaps of me on the campaign trail.

Here's me and a handicapped lad I employ to hand out fliers, well when I say employ I give him a few buttons and he's delighted with himself, putting in the effort eh!?!??! Anyway this picture demonstrates my "walking lanes" on footpaths idea. Imagine you're coming against us in the opposite direction, where do you go?? You do a bit of slaloming and if you're lucky the handicap doesn't bite you. However, if there were footpath lanes you could pass by unhindered, you could even reach a respectable foot speed of 1.3 miles per hour.
Here I am coming down Malafornia's only escalator, or "moving stairs" as the locals call it. It's rather ironic however since the bloody thing has never actually moved, it was ex military stock from the old Soviet Union. Imagine, when I seize power two and a half of the people in this picture will be exterminated. Wanna guess who??
Anyway, tomorrow's an important day with the publishing of the first TMS/NRBI poll since I entered the race. It should give a good indicator as to where I stand in relation to my nearest competitors Mal-Qaida and the Militant Lesbians.
Until tomorrow, Cubaboy Abu!!
Labels: election