Tuesday, June 08, 2010

Time to Exterminate Ugly Bastards?

I read with interest last week (and that alone should give you an indication how fucking boring my life is) that an American bank fired some broad for "being too hot". As you can see from the picture attached to this drivel she's not exactly "hot". "Tepid" might be a more applicable, but she certainly does nothing earn a place in the auld wank bank.

Certainly that lady's work place must be as bereft of hot chicks as mine is if she is considered "too hot". But either way it got me thinking shouldn't we as a society be removing mingers from our work places?? And why stop there, why not ban ugly cunts from public places altogether?? Who of us hasn't had the experience of going into a work place, usually public sector or bank (delete as appropriate, or not...ohhh satire!!), and being greeted by an ugly, slovenly heifer of a woman hell bent on making your life as miserable as she looks?

I say we need to round up all these pie chasers and give them the choice of extermination or spending their lives indoors in servitude to us better looking folk. We can lure these porky cunts from their ruts Pied-Piper style by means of blasting ice cream van music and wafting chip grease in their direction. Then slip the van into gear and let it roll off a cliff, followed by vast wall of elephant man like ugliness.

And here;s another thing, why is it that there is an inverse proportionality in amount of clothing worn on a hot day in directly related to a woman's "hotness". Who of us does not have an image of a fat chick with too little clothes on on a mildly warm day. Then you see a really hot chick completely covered bah!!

In order to make up for the grunters we will exterminate, or force behind closed doors, we will have an obvious shortfall in labor. I have thought of this and hope to liberate all hot bodied prostitutes and poll dancers to walk amongst us as (almost) equals in legitimate employment.

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