Friday, May 11, 2007

Vote Cubaboy In Election 07

A Chara,

It is with great pride that I announce my candidature for the 30th Dail.

As part of my new vision for Ireland I have made a list of promises, each more unbelievable than the last, in an attempt to win your vote. By reading this list of promises to yourself you are forming a contract between you and me. A contract which I may choose to void at a later date but one which will be binding on you. As leader of the Me Fein party I want to make Ireland a better place for some of us, a place where stupidity will be drastically reduced, a place where you can walk down the street and not have some twat walk out in front of you and a place where those fucking whining nurses will all be fired.

When I am elected in the constituency of Malafornia South Central I make the following promises

  1. The immediate dissolution of both houses of the Oireachtas and office of President and the establishment of Office Of The Benevolent Dictator, me.
  2. The immediate culling of 40% of the population in extermination camps. There are far too many dozy, stupid fuckers in this country, I pledge to rid the country of these muhawns.
  3. The introduction of footpath lanes and helmets with wing mirrors to avoid walking out in front of people on the footpath. I also hope to provide every surviving citizen with "indicator belts" within my first 100 days of power.
  4. The immediate banning of all SUV's, unless you live on an extremely hilly farm.
  5. The introduction of mandatory death sentences for all people found to be misusing the overtaking lane.

I look forward to meeting with you on the doorsteps over the next week and a half to discuss my views and whether or not you are part of the 40% who will no longer be with us if I have my way.

Rememer, a vore for Cubaboy is not a wasted vote. Cubaboy Abu!!



Blogger Lieutenant General Creedon said...

I will say that's a big improvement on the mugs of some gormless twats gracing our lamp posts this weather...

10:35 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

I can't believe colonel that you are endorsing FF on your own site and not Cubaboy!!!! Once I seize power I'll bust your ass down to Private!!

2:49 PM  
Blogger Lieutenant General Creedon said...

I have a sneaking suspicion that your name will be "absent" from the polling cards. It may be the work of your "stalker" from last week...

10:25 PM  

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