Week One Of The New Relaunched BlogsByStephen
Well it's been (roughly) a week since the newly launched BlogsByStephen has hit t'internet and now's as good a time as any to review the past weeks developments. So what have we learned this week?? First of all I regaled you all with my technological advancements, then we had an ever popular dictogram which the Colonel correctly solved and then this site got it's first stalker. Yes at 01.19am RTFARTY proved yet again that with the birth of the artist (in this case me) comes the inevitable afterbirth that is the critic (RTFARTY). Over the following days RT proved that like a eunuch in a harem, i.e. he know's how it' done but can't do it himself, that it's so much easier to come up with nonsensical criticism and threats that he'll never be able to follow up on than in engage in reasoned debate. Then it struck me, checking my blog in the dead of the night, panties missing from my washing line, nude photos posted to my house....I've got a fucking stalker.
While flattered and slightly disturbed at this development I decided to use my powers as a Garda Reserve to track this sick fuck down and ram a red hot poker up his ass. While the fucking weirdo claims to know me (don't all stalkers claim to know their victims!!) I can assure RT that not only do I not know him/her but I never want to know him/her. In another one of RT's delusions he claims to be responsible for all the hits on this site. While not on the same scale as claiming to be the Son of God it's still fairly fucking out there, as the hundreds of perverts who regularly hit this site will verify. Also you delusional fuck Sitemeter has been broken for the last couple of days and has stopped registering hits (I presume that I'm getting so many hits I've broken Sitemeter).
In closing I've attached RT's details in the hope that he will not track me down and attempt to use my skin as some form or coat. FREAK!!!

While flattered and slightly disturbed at this development I decided to use my powers as a Garda Reserve to track this sick fuck down and ram a red hot poker up his ass. While the fucking weirdo claims to know me (don't all stalkers claim to know their victims!!) I can assure RT that not only do I not know him/her but I never want to know him/her. In another one of RT's delusions he claims to be responsible for all the hits on this site. While not on the same scale as claiming to be the Son of God it's still fairly fucking out there, as the hundreds of perverts who regularly hit this site will verify. Also you delusional fuck Sitemeter has been broken for the last couple of days and has stopped registering hits (I presume that I'm getting so many hits I've broken Sitemeter).
In closing I've attached RT's details in the hope that he will not track me down and attempt to use my skin as some form or coat. FREAK!!!

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Dude! You're still using IE?! Why?!
Download Firefox
Dude! I'm blogging from work and can't install any new software on the pc :(
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