Were you like me delighted to hear of the spilt up of media whores Nick "I never had a career" and Jessica "I wish I could use your head to practice my golf swing on" during the week??? If you need more usefull information (or indeed confirmation that the unthinkable has happened) click
here. Schaudenfreud probably isn't the most admirable quality in one but for fucks sake a more fake relationship I've never seen. I think it's dispicable in the first place that you would allow a camera crew to follow your every move in the hope that it may, in Lachey's case start a still born career and in yer wan's case remove her form the Brittany clone image her record company cast her in.
And it's not just that, these two fuckwits are just an example of the ignorant rich which, funded by that bastion of quality programming, MTV, pervade our tv at the moment. Why only last night I watched in horror as yet another one of my childhood hero's showed himself for the sad sack of money grubbinbg shit that he and his family are. The "hero" to which I refer is Hulk Hogan on his show "Hogan Knows Best". Last night the Hogan's got the hump because their neighbours had the timmerity to object to the fact that they had a rooster at their house. How dare the filth object to an animal who's main objective in life is to crow loudly not only at dawn but through out the day. I defend any man's right to keep farm yard animals in a confined space, and should he wish to torture the afformentioned animal all the better, but not in a built up area Hulk Fuckhead!!!!. The upshot of the whole incident was the local housing authority slapping a hundred dollar a day fine on the Hogan's for possesion of the rooster. Cue Mr's Hogan, a plastic surgeon dream/nightmare, throwing a wobbler befitting of Macho Man Randy Savage in the car park outside the local authority. The Hulkster remainded very quite during this rant, probably because he's THE most pussy whipped of all the wrestlers!!. Anyway a caption informed us that the Hogan's went to court to get the order overturned and now all is well in the Hogan house, unlike the rest of the neighbourhood. In another jape the Hulkster and his bastard son went golfing to an ultra exclusive golf club, got bored and stared driving buggies at each other. Luckily for my sanity, and their humiliation they were asked to leave.
But these examples of "humanity" are only the tip of the ice berg. Have you seen this one about some fucking looser from blink 182 and some tart who used to get her tits out??? What a pile of shit the likes I've never seen.
I can only wish upon these people the same (and worse) as happened those couple of cunts Nick and Jessica and hope they don't make too much money along the way.