If You're Reading This Chances Are You Are A Dirty Fucking Pervert
Since I've had this blog thing going I've got hits from throughout the world, from as far away as Hyderabad in India to as near as Murtey's Cross in Cork. I've have recently noticed a worrying trend however, an increasing number of hits are from people who are looking for sex. And frankly not just your standard man on woman thing. For example, some pervert from Sunnvale in California hit my sit at ten o clock this morning. He was referred from http://teen-boy-gay-blog-.blogspot.com/. Thank fuck my firewall won't allow me to view this sites contents. Then there was that dope from Sri Lanka who was looking for Gods knows what kind of gratification when he typed in this http://search.msn.com/results.aspx?q=gay star sex&FORM=USNO. Then there was this feen from Colorado Springs who typed in http://search.msn.com/spresults.aspx?q=star wars sex&first=71&count=10&FORM=POPR in google and got me.
What surprises me is not that the internet is inhabited by the most fucked up wierdos you can imagine, but that these people in their search for sexual gratification accidentaly happen upon my site.......and then stay on it. They're either jacking off to my rantings or I am the literary equivalent of a cold shower.
Either way you bunch of fucking perv's I'll finish todays diatribe by telling you that I'm wearing nothing while writing this.......not even a smile.

The majority of perverts seem to be
based in the UK?!?!?
What surprises me is not that the internet is inhabited by the most fucked up wierdos you can imagine, but that these people in their search for sexual gratification accidentaly happen upon my site.......and then stay on it. They're either jacking off to my rantings or I am the literary equivalent of a cold shower.
Either way you bunch of fucking perv's I'll finish todays diatribe by telling you that I'm wearing nothing while writing this.......not even a smile.

The majority of perverts seem to be
based in the UK?!?!?
Well I check your blog most days ... although I'm always dressed when I do.
And I use the link from The Colonels Eagle (as you're probably aware)
How come no-one from Sri Lanka visits me?
They know how you'd feel about their government trying to impose 300% tariffs on Land Rovers that aid agencies were trying to get into the country to help distribute tsunami aid.
Ah yes the "Nuke the Bastards to clear the path" policy.
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