Because of the lifestyle I have chosen I have to commute 20 miles to and from work each day. I travel on a good, relatively straight road (by Irish standards) and share the road with some of THE biggest lunatics who ever had the misfortune to get behind the wheel of a car. I hope to detail some of the more interesting habits I see on this stretch of road on a daily basis, both for educational and entertainment purposes.

Here's example number one. Let me explain something first, both to non drivers and fuckwits alike. On a dual carriage way there are two lanes, one, the left hand one is the lane you are supposed to drive in, the second, or right hand lane is for overtaking. It is not a lane where you can go and fucking dither along at 70kph. So getting back to our photograph, as you can see we have both a truck and a red car in the "overtaking lane" doing about 70kph. Now I am not a patient man, I'm a good looking man certainly, but when it comes to patience I suppose I'm just not blessed, so when I come accross this kind of selfish fucking behaviour it drives me fucking crazy!!!!!!!!!!! Well in order to educate this kind of fucking half wit I simply extend my right foot which in turn depresses the accelerator which in turn leads to me going faster and getting by these cunts. And I'm not talking about massive speed, maybe 100kph, because you see thats the problem with these cunts, overtaking lane, slow down and fuck everyone behind you. Well I for one have had enough of these gormless fuckholes!!!
By way of post script I did not take the above photo.