Gay Star Wars Colonel In Sex Romp With US Marine Star Trek Fan

For No Reason a Picture Of Ciaran =======================>
Good, now that I've got your fullest attention let me announce the emminent arrival of the puzzle all fuckwits are talking about.......Dicktograms (TM). Yes, you too can challenge your friends and amaze your enemies by solving my filthy picture puzzle. With a guaranteed prize every time I can be bothered to steal something you'd be a sad, pathetic, sexuallly immature loser not to play. Dicktograms, as seen on tv played by Carol "Arsecrack" Vorderman, is a licensed and bonded product and any attempts to rip it off will result in court action, or me and a bunch of Malafornians calling round to your gaff with some pitch forks and piss bombs and causin a ruckus.