How Fucking Stupid Are People??
Read this fucking story about a bunch of stupid fucking cunts who hit an ice berg and (at the time of writing) are sinking. I mean have none of these cunts ever seen Titanic, or the superior A Night To Remember, or even The Band Played On for fucks sake!!! Now there was some excuse for the look out on the Titantic, admittedly not much of a fucking excuse, "oh look it's a calm, well lite night.....I think I'll look in the opposite direction to that huge big fucking iceberg for a couple of hours while we steam towards it". But these modern day fucking seamen deserve a right good kick in the goolies. How fucking asleep would you want to be in this day and age to be fucking around the Antarctic (one of the most dangerous places on the planet), a place renowned for fucking huge big blocks of ice (for fuck sake!!), with some of the most advanced sonar devices and still mange to crash the cunt!!!! God help us if a large gorilla is ever discovered in a far off pacific island....these cunts will probably come up with the great idea of bringing it to New york and then marvel at it as it does more damage than an Al Quaida attack. Cunts!
"My heart will go career as a sea captain is probably in the shitter however"
Ps Irish adventurer Pat Falvey was on board this ship. He was on route to the South Pole to cross the entire continent on foot.