The Second Coming

Have you heard the news??? Jesus is being crowned tomorrow and he's going to stop all war, and the little children will never miss a meal ever ever again, and the global economic crisis will all be settled by next Tuesday...or such is my understanding from the world's media's coverage of Barack "Jesus" Obama's inaugeration tomorow.
Now don't get me wrong, I was as happy as anyone when he won the election, and when I say happy I really couldn't give a fuck, I just wasn't more angry. That was until the media and in particlar the Irish media (that being the media I am most familair with) starting deifying the guy. Of course you had the inevitable "Irish-if-ication" of Obama, sure he's as Oirish as a peadophile priest or small minded biggotry. We won't mention the fact that if he wasn't famous and walked down any street in Ireland he'd probably be stared at and possibly be shouted at for being an asylum seeker. But then the media really ramped the hype up saying this guy was going to be the be all and end all, he was going to fix everything. It's culminated with wall to wall media coverage of the inaugeration tomowrrow evening with top investigative RTE journalist Charlie Bird on a junke...sorry reporting on the "story". Not to mention famous Dutch band U2 performing last night. I'm sorry but if you don't pay tax in a country they should take your passport away...hey, that's what happens in America!!
I glanced at a piece in the Guardian newspaper last week that compared the presidency's of Obama (who's not actually Presidentyet ), JFK and Lincoln. Now this comparison was done by supposed "historians". I didn't bother to waste my time by reading the piece but I was reminded of something Lincoln once said regarding fooling some of the people some of the time. Well in this case it appears that ALL of the people have been fooled. Here's a newsflash....Barack Obama is just a man, and worse than that he's a politician. Politicans are by definition cheats and liars. They promise the electorate the world in order to get a really well paid job. If people really think that big money didn't buy this guy the election they are in for a really big wake up call. Do people really think that big money isn't going to want a payback?? Remember where you read it first..this time next year the world will in exactly the same position, if not in a worse position, and I wonder will people still be worshipping Jesus Obama or will they be clambering to nail him to a cross.
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