Suicide Match
There's been a lot of talk recently about suicide pacts. Fellas meeting over the Internet and traveling out to lakes in the middle of nowhere and ending it all. Now I can't solve this crisis, I can't even make a meaningful contribution to the debate, what I can do however is bring like minded people together and possibly make a few bob in the process.

"I forgot to pay the gas bill, I'm so sad, boo hoo"
Announcing, Cubaboy's Suicide Dating Service.
Feeling lonely?? Girlfriend dumped you?? No friends?? Contemplating the Big S??? Well don't just sit there in a dark room like a sad sack, contact Cubaboy and I will match your personal details to other manic depressives in your area. I will also suggest possible locations and methods you may wish to consider when the big day comes. Act now and get a free noose!!
Just listen to this testimonial from one of my current clients:

Dave in Terminfeckum - "I would recommend Cubaboy's service to anyone. I'm currently meeting with several lunatics in my area with a view to forming some form of suicide pact. I'll definitely use Cubaboy's service again.....oh wait......hahaha no I won't......sorry a little gallows humour there"
Call 0898 55-55-55 for further details.
Act now and not only will you get a free noose but I'll also throw in a free bucket to stand on.
"Suicide Match" is a subsidary of Cubaboy Products & Services International and terms and conditions apply. Cubaboy - putting the "laughter" back in "slaughter".
Labels: suicide
I wouldn't have any personal intrest in it, but I can see you're onto something here. I wish you every success.
Thanks for writing this.
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