Monday, June 25, 2007

Cubaboy Damaged

I don't know what made me do it......I was sweating and shivering in equal skin felt prickly as if there were a thousand ants just below the surface trying to burrow out. My condition was due in no small part to an over consumption of American beer and Austrian Schnapps the night before. The foul Chinese I had just consumed was revoltingly sloshing around in my stomach and making frequent attempts to break free via any available orifice. It was then [sobbing quietly now] that I took a rash decision that will haunt me for the rest of my days.....I watched and RTE home made drama!!

Yes that's right, last night I watch the televisual equivalent of eaten diarrhea vomited back up. The show in question was called Damage and told the tale of a very nasty Celtic Tiger family who seemed to shop at Brown Thomas exclusively, snort more cocaine than Tony Montoya and who had a mother and father who were both screwing around. Basically a more unsympathetic bunch of people you could possibly not find. The "story", if I can loosely use the term, revolved around their 21 year old daughter, who looked closer to forty five, who gets raped by a family friend at her 21st birthday party, while coked off her bin, and then her quest for justice.

I'm almost at a loss to tell you how bad this show was....allow me to try however. The acting was of such a poor standard that I would have preferred to watch my own testicles being ripped off by a dog with not very sharp teeth. So witless were the performances that you could almost see the "actors" reading off auto cue cards. Now I'm not one to engage in personal attacks but the "young" wan who gets raped is possibly the ugliest girl I've seen in manys the long day. The characters were so unsympathetic that I really couldn't give a fuck whether the rapist got away with it or not. Just as I was about to projectile vomit and explosively shit my pants at the same time with rage I was persuaded away from the channel, this with approximately 15 minutes remaining and no end in sight to the tedium.

I was surprised to find out when I researched this shit that there was actually a writer involved in the project. I mean what the fuck did this person do? There was no script to speak of, the characters were one dimensional and loathsome, the story was absolutely non existent and lent nothing to your classic "rape" storyline. Basically a fucking two year old could have done a better job if they wrote the story in their own shit. Then I read the fucking tripe is up for an award??? Fuck me, in what category??? "Most Retarded Shite I've Ever Seen On Tele" award??? And to think, next Saturday I'm going to have to withdraw 158 euro from my hard earned savings to give to RTE (in the form of a license fee) to put more of this shit on??!!? Well I want to report a crime, my eyes were raped last night and my mind sodomised by RTE.

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Blogger Lieutenant General Creedon said...

I stopped watching RTE "drama" more than 10 years ago now. Glad to see it's not changed and I'm not missing out.

11:17 PM  

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