Colonel Creedon Laid Low By Bird Flu
Colonel Ciaran Creedon was last night receiving treatment in a Cork hospital for a suspected case of Avian Influenza. Colonel Creedon is thought to be the first human to contract the disease in Western Europe. Details remain sketchy at the moment but it is theorized that the Colonel's Rice Krispies may have been poisoned by a member of a radical north Cork branch of Al Queda.

The Colonel In Happier Times
Little is known about the reclusive Colonel and self styled hardman. It is thought that he lives in a Castle in the Dillions Cross area of the North Inner City. This is the latest in a number of shocking revelations about the Colonel, only last month pictures were released of the Colonel sleeping in a hyperbollox chamber which he believes gives him "special" powers. It is also believed that the Colonel is a self publicising propagandist with several pictures of hime believed to be photoshoped.
This latest set back will not help the Colonel in his battle against the gathering forces in the North of the county with incursions already happening on a daily basis

The Colonel In Happier Times
Little is known about the reclusive Colonel and self styled hardman. It is thought that he lives in a Castle in the Dillions Cross area of the North Inner City. This is the latest in a number of shocking revelations about the Colonel, only last month pictures were released of the Colonel sleeping in a hyperbollox chamber which he believes gives him "special" powers. It is also believed that the Colonel is a self publicising propagandist with several pictures of hime believed to be photoshoped.
This latest set back will not help the Colonel in his battle against the gathering forces in the North of the county with incursions already happening on a daily basis
Some of the pictures are believed to be photoshopped? You mean the Colonel isn't a genuine hero? I need to rethink my entire world view now :(
Cubaboy I think you are a bit of a tosser and you should spend more time working like a black than making up fake stories about your dog. Also I think your partner must be very patient to allow you to wallow in such a pit of faeces, God help her if she ever marries you!!!!! Just to finish off you silly little man INFAMY is the spelling of the word in the title.
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