Most Condescending Man In Ireland Named Head Of Road Safety Authority
THE most annoying, condescending man in Ireland was last night named head of the Road Safety Authority. Yes, the man everyone would like to shove a rusty shank into, and auld wan's favourite, Gay Byrne will soon be telling us what to do in that special pedantic way of his. The verteran broadcaster who himself has never sat a car driving test said yesterday "It is an outrage at the moment that there are upwards of 450,000 people driving on the roads of Ireland who are not entitled to do so", so presumably he'll be taking the taxi from now on. Byrne also admitted to "driving from the age of 14", which is also illegal (the legal age is 16). Mr Byrne has previously campaigned on the subject of peoples seeming inability to prounce their "S's" to his liking.
If I may be so bold I would like to question the appointment of someone who not only has no apparent qualifications for such a job or for that matter any right to actually drive legally on the road. But apart from all the pertinent facts there is no way in hell that anybody is going to take a blind bit of notice of that smug fucker. In fact the deaths on Irish road will probably skyrocket!!
If I may be so bold I would like to question the appointment of someone who not only has no apparent qualifications for such a job or for that matter any right to actually drive legally on the road. But apart from all the pertinent facts there is no way in hell that anybody is going to take a blind bit of notice of that smug fucker. In fact the deaths on Irish road will probably skyrocket!!

Smug Fucker
in fairness gay is the only person who had the balls to challange the church and the state back in the day. I think he is an excellent choice.
How old is he now, bloody hell. Actually, your picture of him is quite scary. Maybe you could prod him hard with your 'hard tool'? (see the pics further down I suppose)
@Simon:I have to say I'm ginuinely blown away by the fact that someone I don't know has actually posted on my blog and I would like to thank you for taking the time. However, Gay Byrne epitomises everything that was wrong with "old Ireland". He only "challenged" the church in so much as it was safe for him to do so and as much as it inflated his own sense of self importance.
@ Dutton:Gay Byrnre is currently 256 years old and lives by sucking blood from younger people, yes he's a fucking vampire.
Then thats why he stood up to the church, what with ther crucifixes and holy water.
But yes, I do think you're right to question his qualifications. Maybe he wants more of the spotlight?
How ye lads, I see ye're still at this shit!
Sure, I suppose I might just stick me spoon in, in the old days, a lot of gays stood up against the church..
Thanks for the post Davey boy, however like many of my girlfriends this blog has moved on, you may want to continue reading....
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