Sandi Thom Must Be Stopped

This internet has given us many wonderful things, the ability to communicate with one another over vast reaches of land and sea in a split second, the ability for angry, disinfranchised loners to spout off their petty rants to all and sundry, not to mention the wall to wall pornography.
But with the birth of the internet has come the inevitable afterbirth that is Sandi Thom. For those of you who do not listen to "popular" music don't start now because over the last few weeks our airwaves have been poluted by the rancid droning of a self publiscising moaner. Ms Thom, who couldn't get a record deal in the real world, decided to set up her own web site and let anyone listen to her songs for free. Now due to her clicking on her own website a thousand times a day some A&R dummy thought 'Wow, what a phenomanan!!' and signed the bitch. As a result we have to listen to 'I Wish I Was A Punk Rocker With Flowers In My Hair' forty times a day.
To be honest I wish she was a punk rocker with flowers in her hair as well. If you think about it the punk rocker is the anthisesis of the hippy, so if you had a half hippy, half punk rocker it would be hated by both sets of malcreaents. Which has a nice symetry to it since Ms Thom is hated by 9 out of ten groups I surveyed.
But it doesn't stop there, she's only put out a follow up single, 'What If I'm Right'. A song in which she bascially expect's her fella to make all the scarifices in their relationship (like not get fat or sell his vinyl records to buy a shagging house) while she makes none. This could be a fucking anthem for modern day women, give me everything and get shag all in return but a mouthful of abuse!!! My grandmother, God bless her, had to draw water from a fucking well in order to hydrate her family, and then you've got this whining cunt wanting to live in a bygone day. Well I'm sure my old gran would gladly have swopped hauling gallons of water accross a wet field in the month of December to live your life of fucking luxury.
Die Sandi Thom, die!!!!!!
Sandi Thom found dead, I killed sandi thom, sandi thom found murdered, sandi thom is a terrorist and is planning to blow up the white house
maybe Sex Piss Man (or l'homme de Sex Piss as the French call him) could deal with this annoying female. Maybe drowning her in a bucket of cold jizz or something.
No my fake friend, not even Sex Piss Man (or l'homme de sex piss as the French call him) could manage an erection for this one. She's both bolshie and ugly, two traits Sex Piss Man finds revolting in a woman.
maybe he could use a hot woman to ferment his juices, then drown her in the bucket later.
or could he knowingly 'produce the goods', knowing they were for her? If he can't, then should could concievably become his nemesis
"Sandi Thom found dead, I killed sandi thom, sandi thom found murdered, sandi thom is a terrorist and is planning to blow up the white house"
like how you blacked that out.
That last Cubaboy is not the real Cubaboy, I would never put a link to the British monarchy on this site, but I think that the poster some how new that!?!?!!?!??!
maybe cubaboy was bored :)
am I the only one left here?
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