Tuesday, May 16, 2006

Disaster For Loser Gamers

Disaster today as organisers of the annual E3 fair at the hulking LA Convention Centre decided to ban hot, scantily clad chicks advertising games at the convention (click here for more). This could spell disaster for hundreds of thousands of young, ugly socially retarded men who's only contact with the oposite sex, apart from their mothers, is at these kinds of shows. One avid gamer, who I've called James D, said "This is a disaster, now I only have my hard drive of downloaded porn of sate my increasingly perverse tastes".

Hot Chicks With Snakes....I Don't Care What She's Selling But I'm Buying

These "penis fly traps" as I call them are typically scantily-clad actress-waitress-whatever employed to loiter near a booth at a trade exhibition. Upon spying or being approached by a typically young male showing advanced signs of geekdom, the babe will engage the geek in conversation, normally of a flirtatious nature. Almost immediately, the relationship will be consummated with a photograph of geek and babe entwined, before the geek hands over large amounts of money for something produced by the booth babe's employer.

Lindsay Lohan, Jessica Alba, Brad Pitt, Simpsons Sex, Theo Wallcott, England, World Cup


Anonymous Anonymous said...

In the neoclassical models, a look at the steady state in terms of output per worker can be quite instructive:

y*(t) = A(t) [s/(n + g + d)]α/1-α

Here, both output y and technology A are dependent on time. Changes in the investment rate s or the population growth rate n affect the long-run level of output per worker. Such changes do not affect the long-run growth of output per work.

8:34 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

@ Chris: Guden Tag my tuetonic friend. I hope all in the Fatherland are well today and may I say Ich bin ein Cubaboy.

@ vxjlrbi:Excellent theory, but if you invert your hypothesis and substitue "cock" for Y and "hole" for A you get fucked in the hole. Now get back to work building that weather machine for me!!!!

12:43 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

ok, the wingdings text of "Lindsay Lohan, Jessica Alba, Brad Pitt, Simpsons Sex, Theo Wallcott, England, World Cup" under the main body of text is low, even for you :)
Not looking for more hits, are we?

7:26 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

And what if I am Mr Judge-A-Lot??

7:49 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

You whore, you :)

8:45 AM  
Blogger Unknown said...

Fuck it. It's not working either, why don't people want to see Simpson sex pics anymore??? Well damn them, damn them all to hell

12:37 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I can't speak for the other wierdos, but I prefer associating the word sex with Lindsay Lohan and Jessica Alba rather than the Simpsons. Maybe you could drag Scarlett in too.
Maybe your not showing people the sex pics of the aforementioned celebrities is why they don't keep coming back?

3:00 PM  

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