Maria Bello In "Clothes On" Shocker
I had the extreme misfortune over the weekend to watch a film called The Jane Austen Book Club. Now don't ask me how I got myself into a situation where I had to watch this junk, or why I didn't simply put my own eyes out in order not to have to watch it, or why I simply didn't leave the room. The fact is I watched it. And never since The Devine Sisterhood of the Travelling Ya Ya Pants has there been such a sloppy pile of auld girlie shite. Anyways that's neither here nor there and I you probably could have guessed that the film wouldn't get a favourable review from me....or any other heterosexual fella around. I did however notice something quite amazing about this film.....Maria Bello was in it.....and she didn't take her clothes off.

I was absolutely shocked. This is the second film I've seen in recent weeks with Maria Bello in it that she didn't take her clothes off in. For an "actress" who is basically one (short) step above a porn actress, she's taken her clothes off that much in films, there's a disturbing trend emerging. If she's not careful she may have to act in order to get further work. Now don't get me wrong, I can appreciate a nude woman as much as the next fellow, but I've seen Maria Bello naked more ofter than I've seen myself naked!!!
For a change of pace I decided to do some research into one of my post's and looked up her biog on IMDb. I've seen her in quite a few films, not on purpose I might add, and out of the ones I've seen she's aired her wears in most of them. Here's a list:
Downloading Nancy - Self mutilating sex scenes - nice
Butterfly On A Wheel - She just about manages to keep her clothes on in this one
A History Of Violence - A nice 69 scene for all the family
The Cooler - She's "plays" a prostitute
Autofocus - Again balls naked
I heard through some colleagues that there are websites that contain lists of actors/actresses that have appeared nude in a film, they even contain the minute and second reference for the hairy palmed brigade. Well I've decided to set up the first website devoted to an actress keeping her clothes on. So here goes...
Maria Bello appeared with all her clothes on in The Jane Austen Book Club - reference:0:00:00 - 01:43:52

I was absolutely shocked. This is the second film I've seen in recent weeks with Maria Bello in it that she didn't take her clothes off in. For an "actress" who is basically one (short) step above a porn actress, she's taken her clothes off that much in films, there's a disturbing trend emerging. If she's not careful she may have to act in order to get further work. Now don't get me wrong, I can appreciate a nude woman as much as the next fellow, but I've seen Maria Bello naked more ofter than I've seen myself naked!!!
For a change of pace I decided to do some research into one of my post's and looked up her biog on IMDb. I've seen her in quite a few films, not on purpose I might add, and out of the ones I've seen she's aired her wears in most of them. Here's a list:
Downloading Nancy - Self mutilating sex scenes - nice
Butterfly On A Wheel - She just about manages to keep her clothes on in this one
A History Of Violence - A nice 69 scene for all the family
The Cooler - She's "plays" a prostitute
Autofocus - Again balls naked
I heard through some colleagues that there are websites that contain lists of actors/actresses that have appeared nude in a film, they even contain the minute and second reference for the hairy palmed brigade. Well I've decided to set up the first website devoted to an actress keeping her clothes on. So here goes...
Maria Bello appeared with all her clothes on in The Jane Austen Book Club - reference:0:00:00 - 01:43:52
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