Cubaboy Gives Something Back....
For years I've been fucking plagued by those annoying "Flyin' Enterpirse" ads on 96fm and that cunt Billa. Every fucking ad break I hear that shite old time music thats supposed to invoke a sense of homeliness and welcoming and then that fucking caricature comes on with worse rhymes than a mildly autistic child could come up with. I swear if he rhymes "able" with "table" once more I'll send him a fucking thesaurus......try "stable", "cable", "fable". "Remember still only a stones throw from the cath-eed-er-ill".........all I can say is he must have some fucking throw on him. And if the ads weren't bad enough now he's got an album out for Christmas called "Billa's down Memory Lane".......well all I can say if Billa's down a lane I hope to fuck it's the lane inhabited by thieves, murderers, buggerers, clap ridden hoors, flesh eating microbes, finna fail politicians and pricks of all variety.
After much discussion with my solicitor it was decided that killing the auld bastard might not be entirely law full. So I contacted my old buddy from Hollywoodland, Quentin Tarantino, and we decided to make a movie together. You know Quentin's as made as shit and I had to put my foot down when he wanted to cast Samuel L Jackson as Billa, but we came up with a good script and I think the poster speaks for itself.

It's in The Gate cinema on North Gate Bridge on Stephens Day......"only a stones throw from the"
After much discussion with my solicitor it was decided that killing the auld bastard might not be entirely law full. So I contacted my old buddy from Hollywoodland, Quentin Tarantino, and we decided to make a movie together. You know Quentin's as made as shit and I had to put my foot down when he wanted to cast Samuel L Jackson as Billa, but we came up with a good script and I think the poster speaks for itself.

It's in The Gate cinema on North Gate Bridge on Stephens Day......"only a stones throw from the"
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Have I learns you anyfing? The best vengence is not to "Kill Billa". It's to destroy what you know he loves. Throw stones through every window of the 'who gives a' flying fuck enterprise or better still, burn that feckin cath eed er iil down to the ground! Watch the old man crack and be wheeled into the home for the bewildered as he trys to figure out how could someone be so sick and mindless!
Old Ireland's dead and gone it's with O' Billa in the grave!
Billa doesn't 'love' de enterprise, he's just a corporate shill prostituting himself to the highest bidder....or in this case the only bidder.
While I woudl dearly love to burn down the building that's only a stones throw for mthe caaatttthhhheeeeedeeerrrrrrrrrrill I'd much prefer the satisfaction I'd get from personally slicing Billa's head off with a samurai sword...or as is the fashion in the capital, sticking a screw drivers in his ceann.
Hello. This post is likeable, and your blog is very interesting, congratulations :-). I will add in my blogroll =). If possible gives a last there on my blog, it is about the Notebook, I hope you enjoy. The address is A hug.
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