The Eurovision Must Be Stopped

As one of the few straight men across Europe to watch last night's Eurovision "Song" Contest (semi-final) I felt it my duty to inform you, my many readers, in my capacity as acting PRO of the Malafornia branch of Mal-Quida, in association with Killavullen Janjaweed, that we have declared a fattwa on the contest. At a hastily organised EGM last night it was decided due the blatant block voting by the Iron Curtain countries that something must be done. It is to that end that next Saturday night a delegation of suicide bombers from Mal-Quida and the Killavullen Janjaweed shall travel to Serbia and reek vengeance for last nights humiliation.
All this block voting is a slap in the face to us Western countries, who only a couple of decades ago freed these ingrates from their Russian overlords. Their thanks? not to vote for our Eurovision entry. I say let's send 'em back to the good old days when fifty of them had to huddle around a single spud for warmth, where they'd draw a cake on the wall for food, and where twenty of them had to have a Barry White in the same hole in the ground.
I wouldn't mind but many of them have come over here taking our low and semi skilled jobs through hard work and perseverance whilst working for less than the minimum wage. Then they brought their fit women folk with their perfectly toned arses and pert upper body areas to tease us so as we'd take our minds off stuff and not do our jobs good. Anyway all this will end on Saturday night when the intifada begins.
Also did anyone notice that the Eurovison is possible THE gayest event on earth?? The "presenters" did a link from the audience last night and their must have been ten lads to every fucking lad!! There may be some collateral damage amongst Europe's gay community, no offense is intended. You don't want to upset the gay's, they're one community you don't want on you back.
Labels: Eurovision, intifada, janjaweed, mal-quida
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