I Will Never Tire Of Looking At This Picture...

For those of you who don't know this is a picture of Chelsea and England defender and faux-hardman John Terry who last night missed a penalty in the Champions League final. The press have been more than fulsome in it's defence of the self styled "Captain Fantastic" with our own Eamon Dunphy describing him as "a model professional". Well may I say that not only is he an average defender who masks a lack of pace and an inability to read the game with a vicious brutality on the pitch, but off the pitch proves himself to be a quite the degenerate. This story details how the hero parked his Bentley in a disabled spot. And here where the England captain racially abused a fellow black English player, a story which was very much brushed over by the English media at the time.

Last night this jackass wanted to take the final penalty that would have won the Champions League for Chelsea, not for the good of the team (there were several other better penalty takers available) but to feed his own ego. Well I for on e am absolutely delighted that he missed.
PS to the Chelsea fans who had the delightful "Scouse Free Zone" banner, I guess Chelsea is now a "Trophy Free Zone" even after spending half a billion pounds to get there.
I suppose it's understandable how many people (retards and fats) would think that it was raining in that picture.
It's actually spit.
Now, not the compassionate spit one may gift the face of say, a homeless person or pregnant woman, neah, a hateful spit that embodies the core and spirit of anyone who plays, watches, supports or even acknowleges the very existance of football. I hope they gnaw his foot off at the knee and stapel it to his single toothed face as an ever and constant reminder that he's a complete work of shit.
Tut tut Qbert. Football is great sport. Useless fucks in any other walk of life are paid hundreds of thousands of pounds a week to chase a bit of plastic around a pitch, and then cry like gilrs when the other lads are less incompetnet than you...boo fucking hoo
There is no one less incompetant than me, it's my successful claim to reaching a hefty and low standard that is only one degree shy of the stupidity required to accidentally killing myself out of pure ignorance of any given situation. Get your precious 'facts' and 'information' straight poindexter!
One thousand apologies Qbert, you stupid waste of fucking space. Why do we arrange to meet up so I can finish the job you so cackhandedly fucked up. I'm sure the great majority of your "friends" would have been quite delighted had you managed to top yourself....you stupid fucking cocksucker. Now fuck off and annoy someone who gives a fuck.
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