Friday, June 20, 2008

The Longest Day...

In anticipation of tomorrow's mid summer solstice, i.e the longest day of the year, in sunlight terms as opposed to actual units of time, I thought I'd post my thoughts on the subject. Well basically I don't have much to say on the declination of the earth into such a position as to allow a greater length of time spent in the sun's cancer giving rays. I would however like to point out that technically that if tomorrow (the 21st of June) is the longest day of the year, and it is, then Sunday must be imperceptibly shorter....else that would be the longest day too, or an even longer day. But it's not, tomorrow is the longest day. Anyway if Sunday is slightly shorter than Saturday, and it is, you will, like me, no doubt notice that the evenings are beginning to draw in. Soon we'll be back to dark evenings, wet lashing-out-of-the-sky days, horribly overcast grey manky mornings, depressing will-someone give-me-a-knife-so-I-can-end-it-all kind of afternoons, dark dreary fucking ennui-inspiring early evenings, oh God will someone stop the dark feelings......(ahem)so that's my thoughts on the whole longest day debate......have a nice weekend.

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