Wednesday, November 15, 2006

Brew Ha Ha

As many of you know I am a fully qualified master brewer who gave it all up for a life of absolute fucking drudgery sitting in front of a flickering pc for eigth hours a day purveying other people's misery and dealing with the most obnoxious people ever to walk God's green earth!!!! But anyway enough of my rantings, like many of you I use alcohol to sooth and regulate my moods, from angry in the morning, to less angry in the afternoon, to loved-up in the evening and crying in a naked and humilated heap at night. To this end I have decided to indulge my first passion, after looking at pictures of photoshoped celebreties, and start brewing again.

Now since my winery failed, due to the fact that I bought the bloody thing in Malafornia, I have had recourse to using a kit to produce my special brew. Now normally I would use a thirty day kit, which as anyone who has brewed will tell you is a joke. You may possibly be able to ferment the wine in thirty days but I like to leave it for at least three months to clear properly. Anyway due to a personal oversight I forgot to put a batch on for Christmas so I have had to resort to a 14 day kit. Will it be ready for Christmas??? Will Cubaboy be sober and alone (again) this Christmas or will it all end in a repeat of the underpant wearing, parent huging fiasco of a couple of years ago. Who knows??

Anway here's a picture of the yeast in before I added it to the concentrate, water and suger solution:

I like to start the yeast off in a cup with some water and sugar, it alomst guarantees fermentation will start immediately.

I also added three bags of sugar to the mix, more sugar (potientially) more alchohol.

I measured the specific gravity at 1080 and the potiental alcohol at between 13-14%, cheeky.

As of this posting the the wine is bubbling away nicely. Join me next week to see how my special brew is progressing

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Blogger Lieutenant General Creedon said...

I'll try anything once. Can I have some?

9:25 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

Of course you may colonel, in fact when it's done I'll give you a bottle, hopefully before Christmas, and you can give an honest verdict. Everyone else can claim a free bottle by finding my house, I'm not giving directions by the way.

10:19 AM  
Blogger Lieutenant General Creedon said...

Cheers mate.

"I'm not giving directions by the way."
Considering what happened this dude that's a good call.

11:53 PM  

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