F**K Off, I'm Fat

A few weeks ago in the middle of a televison flicking malaise I happened upon BBC Three and a show called "F**k Off, I'm Fat", the show was fronted by larger than life funny man Ricky Grover. Now I like Ricky Grover, or should I say I liked Ricky Grover. In this show he put forward the fact that in five years time 70% of the UK's population would be obese and the theorey that society should make provison now for that day.
Now, I have nothing against fat people, some of the people I bullied at school were fat, but this show made my already high pressured blood boil. Mr Grover, like every other fat cunt had the same old lame defense that "I've tried every diet but nothing works", as he piled a jumbo mars bar and packet of Walkers crips into his gob. Then ordering some salmon and cheese dish.....twice.
One way society is apparently descriminating against the morbidly obese is that car manufacturers are not making cars big enough. To prove this point he teamed up with a twenty eight stone woman who likes to drive fast cars....if she could find a car to accomodate her. They eventually rigged up a Jag so she drive around a race track....slowly. Here's a staggering fact, twenty eight stone people should'nt exist, let alone be allowed behind the wheel of a car.
Fair grounds as well don't cater for the tubby set. Again an almost thirty stone woman complained that she couldn't get on the rides, missus, your fucking lucky you can walk down to the post office to cash you disability giro!!!
Finally Ricky oversaw the installation of Britain's fist "Big Bog" with is capable of withstanding weights of one ton....imagine the size of the shit that would come out of a one ton person. The plumbing alone couldn't possibly handle it. Imagin swimming in Santa Ponza and having a twelve foot floater sail by???!!?!?!?
I think fat people should be discrimiunated against. Their laziness pushes up our health premiums, overburdens our health system and what's the story with fat young wan's wearing next to nothing on hot days.....it turns my fucking stomach.
Did you know if you are a kilo overweight in your luggage while going on holiday that you will have to pay excess baggage, but if some thirty odd stone heifer waddles up to the desk they don't have to pay a bob for the extra rolls of fat they're carrying.
It's time we put our feet down and said "No more cake for you fatty!"
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(I'll try that again) For a moment there I thought you had a picture of D. Murray!
Learn to spell dipshit. It's INFAMY and 'ould' is the Irish spelling of the word unless you're a Dubliner Living In The Pale Twat of course
Ahh, this is the good thing about the internet, every have witted cunt can have his say. 'Auld' is a perfectly acceptably coloqial spelling you stupid fucking shit bag. If the biggest problem you have with this site is the spelling then you're a very lucky man, unlike every single person who has absolutely anything to do with you on a daily basis, you child molesting, ass raping, scrotum shaving sack of used jam rags!!!!!
PS If you ever come on this site again and call me a Dubliner, or infer that I am from Dublin I will presonaly hunt you down, cut open you stomach, grab hold of your intestines and squeeze the shit out of you......cunt!!
(In a much calmer and more concilliatry fashion)
In an attempt to be fair to the previous "Anonymous" poster I do accept that sometimes my spelling may not be fantastic and may sometimes affect a certain accent that is not my own purely for comic effect. In a similar vein I would also like to share with all my other readers all this "Anonymous" posters details -
Domain Name ex.ac.uk ? (United Kingdom)
IP Address:144.173.6.# (Exeter University)
ISP:Exeter University
State/Region : Devon
City : Exeter
Lat/Long : 50.7, -3.5333
Distance : 230 miles
Time of Visit Sep 14 2006 10:24:42 am
Last Page View Sep 14 2006 10:33:55 am
Visit Length 9 minutes 13 seconds
Page Views 4
It's great to see that English University's are still churning out a never ending slew of sewerage that make them hated throughout the world......cunt!!
ah ,how reassuring it is to see the ol hatred and bile still evident!
And here was me thinking it had subsided somewhat.
I have also watched this program,
and i hate have they want rights
smokers dont have many rights,
so why should fat peole
Absolutely agree with you on that one. I also saw this program and was so pissed off. Why should fairgrounds, car manufacturers and every fucker else have to spend time and money accomadating for people who cant even be arsed losing weight. If they had spent as much effort on losing weight as they did on convincing people to accept them they would be able to fit on the fucking ride by now anyway.
And in the beauticians some fat momma moaning that no over weight people work in beauty salons. Its because they arent beautiful and people who go in those places dont want slobs touching them with fat fingers.
The bit in the nightclub nearly made me sick, but it did give me an idea, i think the government SHOULD spend money on fat people. Make a fat village with oversized cars and rollercoasters. With bigger food portions and reinforced pavements. Then build a wall around it and lock the fuckers in so the rest of us dont have to look at them.
Everyone is entitled to their opinion. My opinion is you are a narrow minded unenlighted idiot.
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