
If you ask me this country started going down the fucking pan when they started putting nipples on female manequins. This thought came to me last friday as I walked through the soon to be defunction Roches Stores on Patricks Street. Lined up in the corner were dozens of naked manequins, with scores of plastics nipples, staring at me. I'd love to know the reasoning in the first place behind putting nipples on dummies. I am aware that during the late nineties and the early years of this century that it became popular for women to wear tight fitting woolen garments through which their erected nipples protruded. I'd love to know what woman goes up to a top and says to herself, "Jaysus that top looks lovely......I wonder what me nipples look like in it???".
Now that it's no longer fashionable to display's one nipples we're going to be left with a lot of surplus nipples, a virtual nipple mountain if you will. I personally think the designers of mannequins should put their talents to better use by designing an anotomically correct male version. Think about it, if you're buying a new pair of underpants and you want to know what they'll look like first thing in the morning, if you know what I mean!!!!, a mannequin with a bodhan would be ideal. How about a new pair of slacks, want to know how it'll look if you hang to the right??? I would suggest a detachable mickey because different gentlemen have differently sized apendages. Imagine the scene, a lisping voice rings out over the tannoy in Debenhams, "Could I get a large mickey in aisle five pleathz". And lets face it, mickey's will never go out of fashion!!!
Why do mannequins have nipples? Why is there a little hole in a biro? What kind of animal is Goofy? These and other questions have been asked by man since the dawn of time and yest sufficient answers have yet to surface. Good luck in your quest.
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